Various rants, rumbles, and reactions about the world around us.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

The straw poll is the yee-haw of start your engines.

Well guys, here we go. Tis' the season for me to beg for reason. It has already started in one of my now favorite facebook groups Veterans Against Michele Bachmann and it will continue for the next year. I haven't had the words to blog about the debt ceiling (random button mashing does not for a good post make). I have not made up my mind about the presidential race in regard to who I am voting for. I will assume that Obama will be the democratic choice so we can then assume that is who I will vote for (splitting the vote will kill democracy, fair warning). I tell you this while I watch the MSNBC coverage of the Iowa straw poll. All sharp objects and heavy objects have been removed from my seating area, to save my table and my T.V.
I have sat through so many speeches from "less government" republicans that are jumping into the ring that will give them ridiculous salaries, amazing healthcare for themselves and their families, free travel and vacations on my dime, while I am glad that I am online due to my husband's job with the cable company(one of the few perks, free T.V./internet) that I want to scream. I am listening to their twist on reality. I am waiting for the shoe to be thrown, and I am sad that there are so many people willing to ignore reality/policy/history in favor of creating things that hold other people back for no reason at all but a need to feel superior.
I am horrified to see women cheer for the very people that think they don't deserve equal pay (for a second lets just ignore the right to a say over our bodies mkay?). I have ovaries so I don't deserve the same money for doing the same job? Bite my uterus.
Now having gotten that out of my system lets get on with the sheer stupidity statements shall we?

Perry, (R) Gov Texas spent a bit of time trashing Obama about the budget. He then bragged about how they cut cut cut in TX and got their budget balanced. "Turns out Texas was the state that depended the most on those very stimulus funds to plug nearly 97% of its shortfall for fiscal 2010, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures." Oh, wait. Not so much.
Next: Perry has created strong huge amounts of jobs in Texas (or some such bullshit blah blah). Well lets see Governor... Among hourly-paid workers in Texas, 550,000 had earnings at or below the prevailing Federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour in 2010, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Hmmmm. Not so much.
Ron Paul, (R) Texas congressman. Am I the only one that see's him and thinks "oh, that's Frasier's dad!"? Nope, not him. Instead he's the good old boy that spent his straw poll time going on and on and on and on about abortion. Unsubstantiated stories intended to horrify his voting base to show them how anti-death he is. Wait, that's lock step with all the other republicans that are anti death until birth, then they are all good with starving homeless children to death to avoid socialist programs like food stamps and housing. If they survive that then lets under educate them and teach them that Adam and Eve played with deno the dino, after that lets draft them into wars we don't need to be in so we can kill them off. If they don't go into the military lets put them on trial and don't worry about things like dna, if we can convict them and put them on death row lets kill em quick! Ah Texas, that awesome state of anti. Sadly I was born in Texas, I'm not sure how much longer I will be willing to say that.

Santorum, google it. Enough said.

Michele Bachmann, (R)Minnesota, Shudders abound. Avid anti government, Anti woman, Anti gay, I'm not sure what she is really for other than getting all of the things she wants to deny anyone else. "Bachmann’s financial disclosure forms indicate that her personal stake in the family farm is worth up to $250,000. They also show that she has been earning income from the farm business, and that the income grew in just a few years from $2,000 to as much as $50,000 for 2008. This has provided her with a second government-subsidized income to go with her job as a government-paid congresswoman who makes $174,000 per year (in addition to having top-notch government medical benefits). “If she has an interest in a farm getting federal subsidy payments, she is benefiting from them,” Sandra Schubert, director of government affairs for the Environmental Working Group, told Gannett News Service in 2007, when the subsidies to Bachmann were first publicly disclosed." (Michele Bachmann: Welfare Queen)
"Republican presidential hopeful Rep. Michele Bachmann has decried Medicaid for swelling the “welfare rolls”, and charges that President Obama wants to bankrupt Medicare to force seniors onto “Obamacare.”
But a “quality Christian counseling” clinic run by Bachmann’s husband has collected more than $137,000 in Medicaid payments for treating patients over the last six years, according to an NBC News investigation." (Bachmann’s hubby – $137,000 from Medicaid)
"Their residence was defined as a treatment home, and according to a June 21 story in the New York Times, that "offered a higher level of reimbursement." Though it wasn't reported how much the Bachmanns were paid in the 1990s, the current reimbursement rate is $47 per day, according to the Times story." (Answer Man: Bachmanns were paid for foster care services)

Most awesome foster mommy, unpaid worried about the little guy woman not getting any government money? Not. So. Much.

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