Various rants, rumbles, and reactions about the world around us.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

The first one is the hardest

Well. I created the blog, tweaked the settings and design, got to the new post page and thought "Let's go!". Then I stumbled. Where to start with this? There are so many things to discuss. I'll warn you now I have two biggies that will be a constant and recurring theme: Equal rights and politics. All of my friends are now nodding their heads and saying "Wow, I'm so SHOCKED that her blog would include that!". My problem really is where to start. I'm an avid reader, I love Huffington Post but I balance it with a little MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and yes I do pay attention to fox. I have to warn you about the last though, I frequently refer to them as faux simply because you can discredit the majority of their discussions by doing a search that will cost you less than 3 minutes of your day.
I think Sarah Palin is a brainless piece of fluff that is dragging out the women of the world that want to feel empowered without having to actually think or do anything to be so. I think Rush Limbaugh is a pompous ass that is far more concerned with peoples opinions of him than ever touching the truth. I think Sean Hannity thinks he's the captain of the football team and is more concerned with getting a cheerleader and fluffing his hair than the lies he spews and how they affect the un-thinkers he spews them at. Last but in no way least, I think that Glenn Beck is the moron's god of the faux viewers. He is one of the best snake oil salesmen I have ever had the disgust to watch. He knows your fears, he loves your fears, and he plays on your fears to gain your viewership. Said viewership gains him the money he craves and the notoriety he cannot live without.
I will be discussing this mangy group often and at length. If you choose to disagree with me feel free, comments are open, but keep in mind this is my space and I will delete threats or serious hostility. Be sure your bringing your A game along with verifiable proof of your arguments to back your opinion up.
That said, welcome to my space I hope you enjoy the ride. I'm off to juggle the current news and opinion so I can talk about it here!

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